Presented By
Right WingTeam
Kitchener RangersLeague
150 lbsPlace of Birth
Brampton, ON
Lam is a shifty little winger with a lot of moxie as a play-driving creative point-getter. He drives a lot of offense when he is on the ice as he creates a lot on his stick but also moves well without the puck to get into opponents seams around the ice. With the puck, Lam is a very good stickhandler who’s confidence is growing more and more throughout his 16-year-old season. When he chooses to d...
Matt O'Reilly
Scout Profile
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Tanner Lam's Reports
Jan 9/24 | Tanner Lam | 25431 – Sault Ste. Marie vs. Kitchener | OHL | by Matt O’Reilly | View Summary |