FC Rank 13
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Player Profile
Right Wing
Owen Sound Attack
190 lbs
Place of Birth
Vaughan, ON  
Barlow is a strong power forward type player that brings a lot of bang. Everything he does is hard — his passes, his shot. His skating is choppy and there isn’t much fluidity to his game, and his playmaking is okay for the OHL level. Barlow is able to help control the play when he is out there but he doesn’t make any smart outstanding passes while playing five-on-five. When playing at ev...
Matt O'Reilly
Scout Profile

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Colby Barlow's Reports

Oct 9/23 Colby Barlow 25198 – Owen Sound vs. Kitchener OHL by Matt O’Reilly View Summary
Apr 26/23 Colby Barlow 24740 – Czechia vs. Canada WJC-18 by Aaron Vickers View Summary
Jan 27/23 Colby Barlow 24474 – Team White vs. Team Red CHLTPG by Joseph Aleong View Summary
Jan 17/23 Colby Barlow 24455 – Owen Sound vs. Erie OHL by Austin Broad View Summary
Nov 18/22 Colby Barlow 24284 – Owen Sound vs. Kitchener OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary
Aug 4/22 Colby Barlow 24023 – Canada vs. Switzerland HLINKA by Donesh Mazloum View Summary
Jul 30/22 Colby Barlow 24001 – Canada Red vs. Canada White CAN-U18 by Shaun Richardson View Summary