FC Rank 190
All Rankings
Player Profile
Left Wing
London Knights
157 lbs
Place of Birth
Union, ON  
Crane is a winger who shows adequate awareness of his surroundings. He challenges very well and is able to grab the open puck to create offensive rushes, and when doing so is a quick skater. When playing in the offensive zone, he positions himself well where he blocks off the view of the opposing goalie and defensively, cycles the puck smoothly, has an okay reach and balance, and has the ability t...
Olivia McArter
Scout Profile

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Brody Crane's Reports

May 9/22 Brody Crane 23851 – Kitchener vs. London OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary
May 8/22 Brody Crane 23842 – London vs. Kitchener OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary
Apr 12/22 Brody Crane 23731 – Flint vs. London OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary
Jan 11/22 Brody Crane 23152 – London vs. Kitchener OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary
Nov 24/21 Brody Crane 22842 – London vs. Kitchener OHL by Olivia McArter View Summary