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HC Vita HästenLeague
170 lbsPlace of Birth
Täby, SWE
Havelid is a hybrid style goalie with average size. He uses a tall, straight, narrow initial setup that becomes wider as the puck is going to be shot. He has quiet feet and controlled movements which causes him to not slide around and lose his positioning in the crease. He plays fairly aggressively at the top of his crease with very good angles. Shows excellent patience in allowing shooters to mak...
Kellen Eyre
Scout Profile
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Hugo Havelid's Reports
May 7/22 | Hugo Havelid | 23837 – Team USA vs. Sweden | WJC-18 | by | View Summary |
Nov 15/21 | Hugo Havelid | 22791 – Rogle J20 vs. Linkoping J20 | J20 Nationell | by Kellen Eyre | View Summary |