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RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)League
201 lbsPlace of Birth
Oakville, ON
Agnew isn’t a flashy defender or do anything outside of the box for me, but is a consistent presence and a physical presence who can log big minutes. He has good basic skating fundamentals and although lacks the ability to separate from someone hot on his heel, his edges and feet are just quick enough that he can deviate from a straight line to give himself a little extra room. He plays power pl...
Justin Froese
Scout Profile
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Jack Agnew's Reports
Jul 29/20 | Jack Agnew | 21126 – Langley vs. Chilliwack | BCHL | by Justin Froese | View Summary |
Jul 28/20 | Jack Agnew | 21125 – Chilliwack vs. Trail | BCHL | by Justin Froese | View Summary |